Media Type: Peer-Reviewed Publications
Type | Title | Date | |
To promote children’s independent mobility (CIM) in rural and remote areas, efforts should focus on providing education on wildlife encounters, creating safe and interesting destinations for play, and consider children’s safety and connectivity in road design.
2024/04/24 | ||
Children's independent mobility (CIM) represents their freedom to travel in their neighborhood without adult supervision. Secular declines in CIM coincided with a major increase in mental health problems among children. We investigated relationships between two indicators of CIM and parent-perceived child distress in a national longitudinal study...
2024/12/20 | ||
Zeni M, Schnellert L, Brussoni M. “We do it anyway”: Professional identities of teachers who enact risky play as a
framework for Education Outdoors. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education. 2023. Available from:
2023/11/21 | ||
Duflos M, Hussaina H, Brussoni M. “When I’m playing with him, everything else in my life sort of falls away”:
exploring grandparents’ and grandchildren’s learning through outdoor play. Journal of Adventure
Education and Outdoor Learning. 2023:1-14. Available from:
2023/06/11 | ||
Kimberly Nurse, Magdalena Janus, Catherine Birken, Charles Keown-Stoneman, Jessica Omand, Jonathon Maguire, Caroline Reid-Westoby, Eric Duku, Gerald Lebovic, Muhammad Mamdani, Janis Randall Simpson, Mark Tremblay, Patricia Parkin, Cory Borkhoff, 38 Developmental Screening Using the Infant Toddler Checklist at 18 Months and School Readiness at 4 to 6 Years, Paediatrics & Child Health, Volume 27, Issue Supplement_3, October 2022, Page e19,
2022/10/26 | ||
Matthew Carwana, Sara Oberg, Christine Loock, 94 Common Social Determinants of Health as Independent Predictors of Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Derivation of a Clinical Prediction Rule: Findings from a Longitudinal Quality Improvement Study, Paediatrics & Child Health, Volume 27, Issue Supplement_3, October 2022, Pages e44–e45,
2022/10/26 | ||
The present framework was developed to describe the various factors that influence sex and gender differences in health over the course of development. Key conclusions include the importance of research that begins from conception in understanding how prenatal and early life exposures impact health outcomes across the sexes, rather than waiting until the emergence of sex hormones during puberty.
2024/04/24 | ||
Riley, K.; Froehlich Chow, A.; Wahpepah, K.; Houser, N.; Brussoni, M.; Stevenson, E.; Erlandson, M.C.; Humbert, M.L. A Nature’s Way—Our Way Pilot Project Case Assemblage: (Re)Storying Child/Physical Literacy/Land Relationships for Indigenous Preschool-Aged Children’s Wholistic Wellness. Children 2023, 10, 497.
2023/03/26 | ||
Gadermann, A. M., Guhn, M., Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Hymel, S., Thomson, K., & Hertzman, C. (2015). A population-based study of children's well-being and health: the relative importance of social relationships, health-related activities, and income. Journal of Happiness Studies, 17, 1847–1872.
2015/04/12 | ||
Minh, A., Muhajarine, N., Janus, M., Brownell, M., & Guhn, M. (2017). A review of neighbourhood effects and early child development: how, where, and for whom do neighbourhoods matter? Health Place, 46, 155-74.
2017/07/12 | ||
Tollan, K., Jezrawi, R., Underwood, K. et al. A Review on Early Intervention Systems. Curr Dev Disord Rep 10, 147–153 (2023).
2023/10/26 | ||
Cleary J, Nolan C, Guhn M, Thomson KC, Barker S, Deane C, et al. A study protocol for community
implementation of a new mental health monitoring system spanning early childhood to young adulthood.
Longitudinal Life Course Stud. 2023 Jul 1;14(3):446-65. Available from:
2023/07/07 | ||
Michael T. Warren, Summer S. Braun & Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl (2023) A virtues approach to children’s kindness schemas, The Journal of Positive Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2023.2170822
2023/10/26 | ||
Gorfinkel LR, Snell G, Long D, del Casal M, Wu J, Schonert-Reichl K, Guhn M, Samji H. Access to mental health support, unmet need and preferences among adolescents during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2023;43(4):182-90.
2023/01/26 | ||
A considerable proportion of pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists provided care to young people aged 12-18 with illicit drug toxicity from opioids, stimulants and sedatives over a 24-month period indicating that pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists interface significantly with adolescents with illicit drug toxicity. This finding challenges the notion of substance use as a purely adult issue.
2024/03/21 | ||
This research paper details a pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating a multi-faceted intervention (PRO-ECO) designed to increase outdoor play among preschoolers in eight Canadian early childhood education centers. The intervention involved policy changes, educator training, outdoor space modifications, and parent engagement.
2024/12/20 | ||
Hutchison SM, González OD-J, Watts A, Oberle E, Gadermann A, Goldfarb DM, et al. Anxiety symptoms,
psychological distress, and optimism in school staff: Testing associations with stressors and coping during the
second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. 2023;14:100662. Available
2023/11/21 | ||
In order to advance the science and practice of the assessment of prosocial behaviors used in interventions designed to promote prosocial behaviors, there is a need to synthesize the available evidence regarding the ways in which prosocial behaviors have been defined and measured in intervention studies.
2024/03/21 | ||
Spadafora, N., Wang, J., Reid-Westoby, C. and Janus, M. (2023) “Association between neighbourhood composition, kindergarten educator-reported distance learning barriers, and return to school concerns during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada ”, International Journal of Population Data Science, 7(4). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v7i4.1761.
2022/05/26 | ||
Zhang K, Guhn M, Conklin AI. Association between social jetlag and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in
adolescents in Western Canada. Eur J Public Health. 2023 Apr 1;33(2):287-92. Available from:
2023/04/03 | ||
Thomson, K, C., Richardson, C. G., Gadermann, A. M., Emerson, S. D., Shoveller, J., & Guhn, M. (2019). Association of childhood social-emotional functioning profiles at school entry with early-onset mental health conditions. JAMA Network Open, 2(1):e186694.
2019/07/12 | ||
Guhn, M., Emerson, S. D., Mahdaviani, D., & Gadermann, A. M. (2020). Associations of birth factors and socio-economic status with indicators of early emotional development and mental health in childhood: a population-based linkage study. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 51(1), 80-93.
2020/07/12 | ||
Guhn, M., Gadermann, A., Almas, A., Schonert-Reichl, K. A., & Hertzman, C. (2016). Associations of teacher-rated social, emotional, and cognitive development to self-reported wellbeing, peer relations, and academic test scores in middle childhood. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 35, 76-84.
2016/07/12 | ||
This research article investigates teacher adaptations in social and emotional learning (SEL) programs. The study, using data from two SEL program evaluations, found that all participating teachers adapted lessons, employing both structural (content, sequencing, timing) and process (teacher-focused, student-focused) changes. These adaptations were driven by program factors (e.g., lesson difficulty), student factors (e.g., attention spans), and contextual factors (e.g., time constraints).
2024/12/20 | ||
These preliminary studies, using both quantitative and qualitative methods, assess the practicality and challenges of implementing health interventions across diverse settings. The authors highlight various obstacles encountered, including cultural and contextual sensitivities, administrative hurdles, training needs, and safety concerns.
2024/12/20 | ||
Larouche R, Bélanger M, Brussoni M, Faulkner G, Gunnell K, Tremblay MS. Canadian children's independent mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic: A national survey. Health Place. 2023 May;81:103019. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2023.103019. Epub 2023 Mar 24. PMID: 36996593; PMCID: PMC10036309.
2023/05/26 | ||
Early adolescents who are new to Canada experience dual challenges of navigating developmental changes and multiple cultures. This study examined how changes in early adolescents’ emotional health from ages 9 to 12 differed by immigration background, and to what extent peer belonging and supportive school climate protected or promoted their emotional health.
2024/12/20 | ||
Rimm-Kaufman SE, Strambler MJ, Schonert-Reichl KA, editors. Social and emotional learning in action creating systemic change in schools. New York, NY: Guilford; 2023.
2023/10/26 | ||
This study reinforces the importance of economic policies to support low-income families, which have been associated with a reduction in negative health outcomes for children.
2023/12/19 | ||
This study examined whether poverty (neighborhood and household) was associated with future health or life satisfaction outcomes and whether the association operated through social support (adult support at home, adult support at school, peer belonging), or differed by the immigration background (nonimmigrant family or immigrant family) of the family. This study utilized a retrospective, longitudinal, population-based cohort that included self-reported survey data from the MDI.
2024/12/20 | ||
McCallum KS, Youngblood J, Hayden KA, Brussoni M, Emery C, Bridel W. Children’s knowledge about play-related
risk, risk-taking, and injury: a meta-study. Leisure/Loisir. 2023:1-26. Available from:
2023/08/31 | ||
Risk-taking in play has received increased focus in research over the last three decades through the use of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. The purpose of this meta-study was to review the qualitative literature specifically to better understand how children (5–16 years of age) understand the concepts of risk, risky play, and injury in relation to their play experiences.
2024/12/20 | ||
Risk-taking in play has received increased focus in research over the last three decades through the use of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. The purpose of this meta-study was to review the qualitative literature specifically to better understand how children (5–16 years of age) understand the concepts of risk, risky play, and injury in relation to their play experiences. Twenty-two studies were identified for inclusion in the meta-study.
2024/12/20 | ||
Molyneux, T.M., Zeni, M. & Oberle, E. Choose Your Own Adventure: Promoting Social and Emotional Development Through Outdoor Learning. Early Childhood Educ J (2022).
2022/10/25 | ||
Oberle E, Ji XR, Alkawaja M, Molyneux TM, Kerai S, Thomson KC, et al. Connections matter: adolescent social
connectedness profiles and mental well-being over time. J Adolesc. 2023. Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Lee, EY., de Lannoy, L., Li, L. et al. Correction: Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors — Network (PLaTO-Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 20, 2 (2023).
2023/01/26 | ||
Armstrong-Carter E, Bush NR, Boyce WT, Obradović J. Cortisol response marks biological sensitivity to kindergartners' social hierarchies for emerging school engagement. Dev Psychobiol. 2023 Mar;65(2):e22373. doi: 10.1002/dev.22373. PMID: 36811375.
2023/03/26 | ||
Poon, B., Holley, P., Louie, A., & Springinotic, C. (2015). Dental caries disparities in early childhood: a study of kindergarten children in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 106(5), e308-14.
2015/07/12 | ||
Boyce, W. T., & Kobor, M. S. (2015). Development and the epigenome: the ‘synapse’ of gene- environment interplay. Developmental Science, 18(1), 1-23. Boyce, W. T., & Kobor, M. S. (2015). Development and the epigenome: the ‘synapse’ of gene- environment interplay. Developmental Science, 18(1), 1-23.
2015/07/12 | ||
Minh A, Ritland L, Webb S, Forer B, Brownell M, Duku E, et al. Does social capital flatten the social gradient in early childhood development? An ecological study of two provinces in Canada. Soc Ind Res. 2022;159(2):549-68.
2022/07/12 | ||
Thomson KC, Richardson CG, Samji H, Dove N, Olsson CA, Schonert-Reichl KA, et al. Early childhood social-emotional profiles associated with middle childhood internalizing and wellbeing. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 2021;76:101301.
2021/07/12 | ||
McIsaac JD, Lamptey DL, Harley J, MacQuarrie M, Cummings R, Rossiter MD, Janus M, Turner J. Early pandemic impacts on family environments that shape childhood development and health: A Canadian study. Child Care Health Dev. 2022 Nov;48(6):1122-1133. doi: 10.1111/cch.13046. Epub 2022 Sep 1. PMID: 35997511; PMCID: PMC9539253.
2023/10/25 | ||
Richardson, C., Goodyear, T., Slemon, A. et al. Emotional response patterns, mental health, and structural vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: a latent class analysis. BMC Public Health 22, 2344 (2022).
2023/10/26 | ||
Schonert-Reichl, K.A. Encouraging Advances in the Science on Mindfulness and Compassion in Schools: Current Research, Lingering Questions, and Future Directions. Mindfulness 14, 300–306 (2023).
2023/10/26 | ||
Haines-Saah RJ, Morris H, Schulz P, Jenkins E, Hyshka E. Engaging families and parent advocates in research on
substance use and drug policy reform: Guiding principles from a Canadian community-academic partnership.
Drug and Alcohol Review. 2023. Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Oberle, E., Lawlor, M. S., Abbott, D., Thomson, K., Oberlander, T., & Diamond, A. (2015). Enhancing cognitive and social-emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: a randomized controlled trial. Developmental Psychology, 51, 52-66.
2015/07/12 | ||
Oberle, E., Domitrovitch, C. E., & Meyers, D., & Weissberg, R. P. (2016). Establishing systemic social and emotional learning approaches in schools: the need for school-wide implementation. Cambridge Journal of Education, 46, 277- 297.
2016/07/12 | ||
Riley K, Froehlich Chow A, Wahpepah K, Humbert ML, Brussoni M, Houser N, et al. Etuaptmumk (Two-Eyed
Seeing) in Nature’s Way-Our Way: braiding physical literacy and risky play through Indigenous games,
activities, cultural connections, and traditional teachings. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous
Peoples. 2023. Available from:
2023/10/26 | ||
Existing screening tools for mental health issues among postsecondary students have several challenges, including a lack of standardization and codevelopment by students. HEARTSMAP-U was adapted to address these issues. This preliminary evaluation suggests that HEARTSMAP-U may be suitable for screening in the postsecondary educational setting. However, a larger-scale evaluation is necessary to confirm and expand on these findings.
2024/01/24 | ||
Brussoni M, Han CS, Lin Y, Jacob J, Munday F, Zeni M, Walters M, Oberle E
Evaluation of the Web-Based OutsidePlay-ECE Intervention to Influence Early Childhood Educators’ Attitudes and Supportive Behaviors Toward Outdoor Play: Randomized Controlled Trial
J Med Internet Res 2022;24(6):e36826
doi: 10.2196/36826
PMID: 35687394
PMCID: 9233267
2023/10/25 | ||
Bando N, Walton K, O’Connor DL, Janus M, Unger SL. Examination of school readiness and factors related to
developmental vulnerability in children born very low birth weight. Child Care Health Dev. 2023;49(3):444-
2023/10/26 | ||
This research article assesses the RICHER social pediatric model, a low-barrier, place-based primary care program serving children with complex health needs in a marginalized urban community. The study uses a retrospective chart review of 210 patients to characterize the population's demographics, social determinants of health, diagnoses, and referral patterns. Results show a high prevalence of neurodevelopmental and mental health concerns, significantly exceeding rates in the general....
2024/12/20 | ||
Daly Z, Black J, McAuliffe C, Jenkins E. Food-related worry and food bank use during the COVID-19 pandemic in
Canada: results from a nationally representative multi-round study. BMC Public Health. 2023;23(1):1723.
Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Outdoor free play encompasses unstructured, self-directed play in the outdoors and has been shown to support children’s health and development. Accurate and reliable measures are required to conduct research on children’s outdoor free play and examine cross-sectional and longitudinal variation. This study systematically reviews and evaluates measurement approaches for children’s outdoor free play used in existing literature.
2024/03/21 | ||
Gemmell, E., Ramsden, R., Brussoni, M. et al. Influence of Neighborhood Built Environments on the Outdoor Free Play of Young Children: a Systematic, Mixed-Studies Review and Thematic Synthesis. J Urban Health 100, 118–150 (2023).
2023/10/26 | ||
Duflos M, Hussaina H, Olsen L, Ishikawa T, Brussoni M. Is parental propensity to risk associated with their child’s
medically-attended injuries? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Safety Research. 2023;85:436-41. Available
2023/10/31 | ||
Schonert-Reichl KA. Chapter 12. Measuring and monitoring children's social and emotional competence and well-being in schools, families, and communities at the population level. The Middle Years Development Instrument. In: Jones SM, Lesaux NK, Barnes SP, Abenavoli RM, Berry DJ, editors. Measuring noncognitive skills in school settings: Assessments of executive function and social-emotional competencies. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2022.
2022/07/12 | ||
Thomson, K., Oberle, E., Gadermann, A. M., Guhn, M., Rowcliffe, P., & Schonert-Reichl, K. (2017). Measuring social- emotional development in the middle childhood: the Middle Years Development Instrument. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 55, 107-118.
2017/07/12 | ||
Kershaw, P., & Anderson, L. (2016). Measuring the age distribution in Canadian social spending. Canadian Public Administration, 59(4), 556–79.
2016/07/12 | ||
Goodyear T, Richardson C, Aziz B, Slemon A, Gadermann A, Daly Z, et al. Mental distress and virtual mental
health resource use amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a cross-sectional study in Canada. DIGITAL
HEALTH. 2023;9:20552076231173528. Available from:
2023/10/26 | ||
Gilham K, Gadermann A, Dummer T, Murphy RA. Mental health, cancer risk, and the mediating role of lifestyle
factors in the CARTaGENE cohort study. PLoS One. 2023;18(2):e0281588. Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Michelle Emma Eileen Bauer, Audrey R. Giles & Mariana Brussoni (2023) Military mothering, responsibility, and children’s outdoor risky play: “I do not want my children to be afraid to try things”, Journal of Leisure Research, 54:3, 337-353, DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2022.2119115
2023/10/26 | ||
Duflos M, Lane J, Brussoni M. Motivations and challenges for grandparent–grandchild outdoor play in early
childhood: Perception of Canadian grandparents. Family Relations. 2023. Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Yuchi W, Brauer M, Czekajlo A, Davies HW, Davis Z, Guhn M, et al. Neighborhood environmental exposures and incidence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A population-based cohort study. Environ Int. 2022;161:107120.
2022/07/12 | ||
Researchers from multiple Canadian universities studied the link between neighborhood socioeconomic factors and developmental vulnerability in kindergarten children before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Using Early Development Instrument (EDI) data from 2017-2023, they analyzed a large dataset of children across Canada.
2024/12/20 | ||
Emerson, S.D., Petteni, M.G., Puyat, J.H. et al. Neighbourhood context and diagnosed mental health conditions among immigrant and non-immigrant youth: a population-based cohort study in British Columbia, Canada. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 58, 693–709 (2023).
2023/10/26 | ||
The study demonstrated that the prevalence of health disorders among kindergarten children was higher in lower SES neighborhoods and varied by jurisdiction in Canada, which has implications for practice and resource allocation.
2024/01/24 | ||
This research paper explores the neurophysiological development of empathy for nature in children aged 5-12 using EEG/ERP methods. The study investigated neural responses to images depicting nature in distress versus no distress, revealing age-related shifts from affective arousal to cognitive appraisal. Findings suggest a correlation between increased frontal brain activity and higher dispositional empathy for nature.
2024/12/20 | ||
The feasibility and relevance of ORICL suggests its potential for triggering significant and sustained improvement in pedagogy and practice for infant-toddler education and care. Further research has been funded to (1) generate the evidence needed to assess the uptake and impact of ORICL, its usefulness as a professional learning resource, and its coherence and reliability as a measure of infant-toddler learning experiences; and (2) advanced knowledge of infant-toddler pedagogy and practice...
2024/12/20 | ||
The current study addresses the lack of out-of-school time (OST) research in low- and middle-income countries by exploring OST use in the context of Pakistan and incorporating youth's voices.
2024/03/21 | ||
This research article details a critical participatory action research (CPAR) project examining outdoor play and learning (OPAL) in British Columbia elementary schools. The study highlights the benefits of CPAR in addressing teacher isolation and building capacity for OPAL. Limitations and contributions of the research are discussed.
2024/12/20 | ||
Pighini MJ, Guhn M, Zumbo BD. Over-reaching with causality language in neurodevelopmental infant research: A
methodological literature review. Early Hum Dev. 2023:105781. Available from:
2023/10/26 | ||
Thomson KC, Jenkins E, Gill R, Hastings KG, Richardson CG, Gagné Petteni M, et al. Parent psychological distress
and parent-child relationships two years into the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a Canadian crosssectional study. PLoS One. 2023;18(10):e0292670. Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Oberle E, Ji XR, Molyneux TM. Pathways from prosocial behaviour to emotional health and academic
achievement in early adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence. 2023;43(5):632-53. Available from:
2023/10/26 | ||
Cheng T, Brussoni M, Han C, Munday F, Zeni M. Perceived challenges of early childhood educators in promoting unstructured outdoor play: an ecological systems perspective. Early Years. 2022:1-17.
2022/07/12 | ||
Boyes, R., Pickett, W., Janssen, I. et al. Physical environment features that predict outdoor active play can be measured using Google Street View images. Int J Health Geogr 22, 26 (2023).
2023/09/28 | ||
Lee, EY., de Lannoy, L., Li, L. et al. Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors—Network (PLaTO-Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 66 (2022).
2023/10/25 | ||
Janus M, Ryan J, Pottruff M, Reid-Westoby C, Brownell M, Bennett T, et al. Population-based teacher-rated
assessment of anxiety among Canadian kindergarten children. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2023;54(5):1309-
20. Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Positive childhood experiences (PCEs) may protect against depression among adolescents with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and promote mental health and well-being (MHW) among all pandemic-era adolescents. These findings emphasize the importance of addressing social determinants of mental health to mitigate the impact of ACEs and promote PCEs as part of a public health approach to MHW.
2024/03/21 | ||
Prime, H., Andrews, K., Markwell, A. et al. Positive Parenting and Early Childhood Cognition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev 26, 362–400 (2023).
2023/10/26 | ||
Gadermann AM, Gagne Petteni M, Janus M, Puyat JH, Guhn M, Georgiades K. Prevalence of mental health disorders among immigrant, refugee, and nonimmigrant children and youth in British Columbia, Canada. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(2):e2144934.
2022/07/12 | ||
Jones, M. J., Moore, S. R., & Kobor, M. S. (2018). Principles and challenges of applying epigenetic epidemiology to psychology. Annual Review of Psychology, 69, 459-485.
2022/07/12 | ||
Ababneh, E.G., Duku, E.K., Reid-Westoby, C. et al. Psychometric properties and factor structure of the Early Development Instrument in a sample of Jordanian children. BMC Psychol 10, 316 (2022).
2023/10/26 | ||
Gerlach, A.J.; McFadden, A. Re-Envisioning an Early Years System of Care towards Equity in Canada: A Critical, Rapid Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 9594.
2023/10/25 | ||
Neurodevelopmental disability in children covers a vast array of congenital and acquired long-term conditions associated with brain or neuromuscular impairments that impact function. While some presentations of neurodevelopmental disability align with diagnostic labels, many do not, leaving children whose conditions don’t fit neatly under diagnostic labels struggling to access services or families and professionals feeling pressured to assign a diagnostic label in order to access services.
2023/12/19 | ||
Talarico F, Liu YS, Metes D, Wang M, Wearmouth D, Kiyang L, et al. Risk factors for developmental vulnerability:
Insight from population-level surveillance using the Early Development Instrument. Digit Health.
2023;9:20552076231210705. Available from:
2023/11/21 | ||
Magee C, Oberle E, Guhn M, Gadermann A, Puyat JH. Risk of Diagnosed Adolescent-Onset Non-Affective Psychotic Disorder by Migration Background in British Columbia: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Can J Psychiatry. 2023 Jan;68(1):33-42. doi: 10.1177/07067437221100351. Epub 2022 Jun 13. PMID: 35698751; PMCID: PMC9720480.
2023/10/26 | ||
This paper investigates factors influencing risk-taking by examining young children’s play behaviours across two studies utilizing the same behaviour mapping framework.
2023/12/19 | ||
Hutchison SM, Watts A, Gadermann A, Oberle E, Oberlander TF, Lavoie PM, et al. School staff and teachers during the second year of COVID-19: Higher anxiety symptoms, higher psychological distress, and poorer mental health compared to the general population. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. 2022;8:100335.
2022/07/12 | ||
Kerai S, Almas A, Guhn M, Forer B, Oberle E. Screen time and developmental health: results from an early childhood study in Canada. BMC Public Health. 2022;22(1):310.
2022/07/12 | ||
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it becomes important to comprehend service utilization patterns and evaluate disparities in mental health-related service access among children. This study uses administrative health records to investigate the association between early developmental vulnerability and healthcare utilization among children in Alberta, Canada from 2016 to 2022.
2024/12/20 | ||
Emerson SD, Gagné Petteni M, Guhn M, Oberle E, Georgiades K, Milbrath C, et al. Social context factors and refugee children’s emotional health. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2022;57(4):829-41.
2022/07/12 | ||
Jones LB, Vereschagin M, Wang AY, et al. Suicidal Ideation Amongst University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Time Trends and Risk Factors. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023;68(7):531-546. doi:10.1177/07067437221140375
2023/10/26 | ||
The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of youth located in the Greater Vancouver Metropolitan District (GVMD), of British Columbia, Canada, who engage in or would like to engage in outdoor time at secondary schools as a mental health promotion strategy.
2024/04/24 | ||
Gadermann AM, Gagné Petteni M, Molyneux TM, Warren MT, Thomson KC, Schonert-Reichl KA, et al. Teacher
mental health and workplace well-being in a global crisis: Learning from the challenges and supports
identified by teachers one year into the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia, Canada. PLoS One.
2023;18(8):e0290230. Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Davis Z, Guhn M, Jarvis I, Jerrett M, Nesbitt L, Oberlander T, et al. The association between natural environments and childhood mental health and development: A systematic review and assessment of different exposure measurements. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2021;235:113767.
2022/07/12 | ||
Forer, B., Pottruff, M., Duku, E., Guhn, M. and Janus, M. (2022) “The Canadian Neighbourhood Early Childhood Development (CanNECD) Socioeconomic Index: Stability and Measurement Invariance Over Time”., International Journal of Population Data Science, 7(3). doi: 10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.2048.
2023/10/26 | ||
McCray G, McCoy D,
Kariger P, et al. The creation
of the Global Scales for Early
Development (GSED) for
children aged 0–3 years:
combining subject matter
expert judgements with big
data. BMJ Global Health
2023;8:e009827. doi:10.1
2023/10/26 | ||
Asgari M, Whitehead J, Schonert-Reichl K, Weber B. The impact of Philosophy for Children (P4C) on middle
school students’ empathy, perspective-taking, and autonomy: preliminary outcomes. Analytic Teaching and
Philosophical Praxis. 2023;43(1):26-44. Available from:
2023/10/26 | ||
Brussoni, M. The importance of policies promoting children’s outdoor play. Paris, France: 2021 Jun. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
2021/07/12 | ||
Kershaw, P. (2018). The need for health in all policies in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 190(3), E64-E5.
2018/07/12 | ||
McEwen, L. M., O’Donnell, K. J., McGill, M. G., Edgar, R. D., Jones, M. J., MacIsaac, J. L., et al. (2019). The PedBE clock accurately estimates DNA methylation age in pediatric buccal cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA; pii: 201820843. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1820843116.
2019/07/12 | ||
Sando OJ, Sandseter EBH, Brussoni M. The role of play and objects in children’s deep-level learning in early
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2023/10/31 | ||
Sando OJ, Sandseter EBH, Brussoni M. The role of play and objects in children’s deep-level learning in early
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2023/11/21 | ||
To promote children’s independent mobility (CIM) in rural and remote areas, efforts should focus on providing education on wildlife encounters, creating safe and interesting destinations for play, and consider children’s safety and connectivity in road design.
2024/03/21 | ||
Race-related data are not routinely collected as part of the Canadian kindergarten teacher reported Early Development Instrument (EDI) data collection even though they could be used to inform provision of supports for students and educators. Therefore, the goal of our exploratory study was to gather an understanding of teacher perceptions regarding the assessment of items on the EDI in the context of children’s race, gender, and family status and teacher positionality.
2024/12/20 | ||
This study uses a mixed-methods approach to examine the developmental well-being of refugee children in British Columbia, Canada. Quantitative analysis, using government data and the Early Development Instrument (EDI), compared refugee children's developmental scores across five domains to those of immigrant and non-migrant children.
2024/12/20 | ||
Poon BT, Atchison C, Kwan A. Understanding the influence of community-level determinants on children's social and emotional well-being: a systems science and participatory approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022;19(10):5972. Availab
2022/07/06 | ||
Chen, Y.-J., Duku, E., Zaidman-Zait, A., Szatmari, P., Smith, I. M., Ungar, W. J., Zwaigenbaum, L., Vaillancourt, T., Kerns, C., Bennett, T., Elsabbagh, M., Thompson, A., & Georgiades, S. (2023). Variable patterns of daily activity participation across settings in autistic youth: A latent profile transition analysis. Autism, 27(8), 2241-2255.
2023/10/26 | ||
Whitehead J, Schonert-Reichl KA, Oberle E, Boyd L. What do teachers do to show they care? Learning from the
voices of early adolescents. J Adoles Res. 2023;38(4):726-60. Available from:
2023/10/31 | ||
Samji H, Snell G, del Casal JM, Low B, Wu J, Badar S, et al. Youth Development Instrument (YDI): Youth development and well-being - School District Report, 2020-2021. Burnaby, BC: Simon Fraser University Faculty of Health Sciences, Capturing Health and Resilience Trajectories (CHART) lab; 2021.
2022/07/12 |