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    Scholar Profile: Orphée Tamba

    Orphée Tamba is a Ph.D. student at UBC’s School of Population and Public Health and the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP). Tamba’s current contributions to the analysis and knowledge translation of the various HELP tools within the Child Development Monitoring System include a special interest in exploring the social determinants of health and other factors associated with the developmental trajectories of children in sub-Saharan Africa and those of children in Canada.

  • Updates
    Guest Column: The Time is Now — A Focus on Social and Emotional Learning

    In January 2023, HELP hosted a 2-part webinar series presented by internationally renowned Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) scholar and former HELP Director Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichel, alongside researchers from the SEL Research Lab. The following guest column is a contribution from Dr. Denise Buote, SEL Research Lab Team Member, highlighting some key messages from the webinar series, along with links to the webinar recordings, presentation slides, and other related resources.

  • Events
    Implementing a Mindfulness-Based Social and Emotional Learning Program with Early Adolescents During COVID: Lessons from the Field

    This event will provide an overview of the connection between SEL and mindfulness and offer a unique view into the implementation of a mindfulness-based SEL program — MindUP for Middle School Students — with early adolescents during COVID.

  • Events
    The state of social and emotional learning: What do we know? Where do we go from here?

    This presentation by Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl and Dr. Molly Lawlor will offer an overview of the field of social and emotional learning (SEL), examine the latest innovations in the SEL field, present new pioneering research on the effects of classroom-based SEL programming on student outcomes and review recent advances in SEL practice.

  • Updates
    Knowledge Exchange Spotlight: Mariana Brussoni — Trusting partnerships create tangible impact

    Dr. Mariana Brussoni, director of the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) and a professor in UBC’s Department of Pediatrics and School of Population and Public Health, is an internationally lauded public scholar. Her research focuses on children’s risky play – play where children take risks, such as climbing trees, building structures, or playing around fire. She examines how to shift parent and caregiver perceptions of risk so that children have more opportunities for taking risks in play.

  • Research
    Latest data show that one in three kindergarten children still vulnerable in BC

    The latest wave (Wave 8) of Early Instrument Data (EDI) data collected by the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) shows that one in three children in BC were arriving at kindergarten vulnerable, or developmentally behind, in one or more of the core areas important to their future success.

  • Events
    20 Years of Data: EDI Wave 8 (BC Summary)

    Join Dr. Mariana Brussoni and other HELP faculty and staff on December 8 to reflect on what Early Development Instrument (EDI) data are revealing about the state of child development in BC. This virtual webinar will accompany the release of the BC Provincial Summary of Wave 8 EDI data and provide an overview of highlights from this summary report, as well as offer some broader context and observations about possible factors that may be contributing to EDI data trends in the province.

  • Events
    Designing Healthy Outdoor Play Environments for and with Children

    This Ideas in Progress event on March 16 presented by HELP will feature a presentation by Dr. Janet Loebach, providing an overview of why and how we should be designing outdoor play environments to support children’s healthy development.

  • Events
    National Child Day is November 20

    National Child Day is celebrated on November 20, marking Canada’s commitment to upholding the rights of children, along with two major events: the 1959 signing of the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. Be sure to mark your … Continued

  • Updates
    Introducing HELP Connect: a new monthly newsletter

    The Human Early Learning Partnership is excited to announce the launch of the brand new monthly e-newsletter, HELP Connect! Read the inaugural issue here. If you are not yet a subscriber, sign up now and stay up to date on all of the latest news, events, and research from HELP!