Dr. Monique Gagné Petteni is a Research Associate with the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) in the School of Population and Public Health at UBC. Monique’s research is focused on understanding children’s developmental outcomes over time, and in the context of our contemporary, ever-changing, global world. Currently, much of her work is focused on understanding children’s development in the context of unprecedented levels of global migration and how settlement countries such as Canada can best support and foster the long-term developmental health and well-being of its newest, youngest citizens. This includes SSHRC- and CIHR-funded research focused on immigrant and refugee children and the factors that impact their capacities to socially, emotionally, and academically thrive over time. She has also recently been awarded a SSHRC grant to fund a Canada-Australia research collaboration focused on understanding population-level gaps in the developmental well-being of refugee children in kindergarten in both settlement countries. Methodologically, she has an expertise in leveraging longitudinal, population-based, linked administrative data and a growing interest in adopting mixed methods approaches to better understand children’s developmental outcomes over time.