Dakota Anderberg is from the Saddle Lake Cree Nation and Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation on her mother’s side, and mixed European ancestry on her father’s side. While she grew up in Washington, twenty minutes from Portland, Oregon, she moved to the unceded, traditional territory, and homelands of the Musqueam Peoples in 2017 to attend UBC. Graduating in 2021 with a Bachelors of Arts with a major in Linguistics and a minor in Japanese Language and Culture, she has built a strong background in language, Indigenous language reclamation, and building meaningful connections. Previously, she held the position of Language Program Navigator at First Peoples’ Cultural Council and connected with Indigenous communities and language nests across British Columbia to support their communities’ language programs.

At HELP, Dakota works with Kinwa Bluesky as the Indigenous Community Engagement Coordinator to develop, build, and maintain meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities and organizations.

In her spare time, Dakota can be found with her face deep in a language textbook, singing with her drum group, beading a new piece of regalia, lifting weights at the gym, or practicing the technical intricacies of boxing.